Building A Website Design When You Are Not A Designer

Many business owners and entrepreneurs think you need to be a professional website designer with
coding experience to create and build a website that is creative and efficient, but that’s not true.

With all the advanced tools currently available at our fingertips, content management systems like
WordPress and WordPress themes or site builders like Weebly make it much easier to create and
manage a website since much of the work is done by using WYSIWYG editors to add and manage

There are four basic steps to get your website up and running:

Step 1: Find a Name for Your Website (URL)
Step 2: Choose an affordable website hosting Provider
Step 3: Build your Website
Step 4: Publish your Site

Step 1: Finding a Name for Your Website (URL)

Start by choosing a domain name for your site and buying the domain name.

Since most of the more common names are already taken, you will have to be creative, but still, come
up with something that fits your business or website topic.

You can check for prospective names anywhere domain names are sold. Once you have found an
an available name for your site, you will be ready to move on to step 2.

Search our partner Hostlabs for a domain name here.

Step 2: Choosing an affordable website hosting Provider

When choosing a web host, there are a few things you should consider.

Price: Find a host that can provide quality services for the price you need. The key here is to find quality
hosting and not just the cheapest.

Reliability: Reliability is critical for a website. If your server is frequently down, visitors will not be able to
access your content or make purchases. Does the hosting provider guarantee your site’s uptime?

Support: Should a problem arise; will technical support be available to help at any time day or night?

Along with reliability, support is helpful in the event something does go wrong.

Step 3: Building your Website

Now that you have your very own website registered to you, it’s time to start building a website.

Typically, website builders are provided by your web host, but you can use anyone you like. Some web
hosting services have awesome site builders that make it extremely easy to get your site up and running
in just minutes utilizing the data, you provide when answering a few questions about your site.

If you prefer taking your time to customize your website, then you might want to consider using a CMS,
or a content management system such as WordPress.

Your hosting provider should allow you to easily install WordPress via the cPanel. If you do not have
access to a cPanel, FTP is also available, although a little more technical then the one-click installs from

WordPress will come pre-installed with free themes and there are premium themes that can be
purchased from various websites. Premium themes will usually allow for more customization and have
more features available to build the website you want.

Once, you have picked a theme. Upload your images and content, then add them to your site, by
logically placing to avoid clutter and confusion. It is imperative that your website is user-friendly since if
users are unable to find what they are looking for in a few seconds, they will look elsewhere.

Step 4: Publishing your Site

When you have finally finished creating your website, give it another look over and then click publish to
make your site available to the public.

Don’t count on receiving traffic right away, in the first few days, weeks, months, or ever… without a
good marketing strategy to drive traffic to the website.

20 Years of Quality Web Hosting

Putting a good-looking website without being a developer or designer is possible if you use the right
tools. But a pretty website won’t matter much if you don’t build it on a good website foundation. A web host can be a difference.

There are many web hosting providers on the web, but not many that have been around as long as our partner
HostLabs. They have been giving quality web hosting for over 20 years.

Compare their web hosting plans here and build a website today!