Take a look at our info-graphic on “Getting Started with HTML in a Web Page.”
Over the years, one of the most common ways we’ve seen companies run into trouble with their website investment is to allow the contact information for their domain name to become outdated. If your domain registrar doesn’t have a valid email address on file you could have some problems down …
Take a look at our info-graphic on “Getting Started with HTML in a Web Page.”
Many business owners and entrepreneurs think you need to be a professional website designer with coding experience to create and build a website that is creative and efficient, but that’s not true. With all the advanced tools currently available at our fingertips, content management systems like WordPress and WordPress themes …
E-mail marketing ebbs and wanes in popularity, but it is still among the most important B2B marketing communications channels. One of the most popular question marketers hear is, “When is the best time to send emails so as to receive the best possible response?” But there is no one right …
How Do I Make My Website Titles More SEO Friendly? This is a common question, because a title on a web page is the first thing both people and search engine spiders will see about your website. In HTML, a title is usually done like this: How can you make …
We come across banner ads everywhere, so much so that they have become intrinsically linked with our web experience. Banner ads clicks may be dropping but we can’t afford to ignore the power of this prolific online advertising format in spreading the brand message to a large audience. Just seeing …
When investing in a new website, many people mistakenly believe that designing and launching a website is all the work that is needed to maintain a presence on the Internet and forget about managing your website. Unfortunately a website is never a finished product because it needs to be constantly …
When it comes to content management systems (CMS) WordPress is king, powering 43.7 percent of the top 100,000 websites worldwide. For many companies, that makes this CMS is an attractive choice—it’s free, easy to use and is the backbone of popular websites like Forbes and CNN. But there’s another power …
What is taxonomy? It is vital if you are in the middle of a site design or redesign, and provides a method of organization so there is no frustration when organizing it. You want your visitors to not only find what they are looking for quickly, but you want them …
The desktop is dead!… or haven’t you heard of responsive design? Not only are laptops powerful enough to handle business needs, now people are using their phones, tablets, and a few enterprising souls swear by their iPods. One-Size Websites are Losing Ground It used to be that if you had …